Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Autopool

Autopool? Yea An Auto Rickshaw pool, Similar to a carpool where you share your car with 2-3 other people if you work at the same place or nearby places, I tell you on friday i did an autopool while going to the insti and it was awesome because it was with this hot girl *Awesome* I actually had to pay only half of the money i usually pay and moreover i got to know a new girl too, Isn't this awesome? Im planning to do this everyday now :D, You believers shall follow my lead and do the same. This way you get make new Frandships and save the environment too, and there's no harm in travelling with people of same gender too but that won't really help in making loveships unless your homosexual. But don't be desperate while asking :p or the other person would think "He's such a Son of bitch" :p You don't want that do you? Do you? Seriously? I knew it screw you guys >.< Dirty minds. I have my last exam on Friday of Chemistry which is more of a Mystery to me. Other exams went well, I remember helping this girl sitting behind me, She didn't even knew simple cross multiplcation >.<. That's it for now. What do you think Im Chetan Bhagat? -_-