Thursday, May 19, 2011


Is that a blog update, Is that a blog update of the blog - Mindless Indulgence, Hell yeah it is!!! So I'm back, not that you care but still who can stop me from writing Muhahahahahah. Yes, that's my evil laugh. Anyways, so a lot of stuff has happened since my last update, my exams are apparently over (NOT), India fucking won the WORLD CUP, oh yeah!!. Some scams, corruption, some dude named Anna standing up against all this, and the usual shit. But thats not the reason I'm writing today, the reason I'm writing today is quite clear with the title, "Matter-ialistic''. I'm very sick of today's youth (Read - Rich parent's spoilt assholes) and their behavior and perspective towards things. People these days are just too materialistic, and are just too keen to do thing that do not Matter at all. Few examples like - 

"What brand shoes you wear man?" "I buy my shoes from friday market, you gotta problem with that?", 
"Oh, dude I always wear my cool costly Ed Hardy t-shirt" "Yeah no wonder you look gay.", 
"Man, even the gol gappas i eat are from 5-Star hotel" "Get out of my sight before i stuff you with them", 
"How much do you pay for your haircut?" "I cut my hair myself, now scram you fucking idiot"
"I've got 6-pack abs i go to gym everyday, look look i posted a semi nude picture of mine on my facebook account, I'm so HAWT!!!" "Umm..Right! Good for you" -__-

Showing off is the utmost stupidity, there's no level of dumbness of such people, their head is empty, or maybe there's D&G fragrances in it who the fuck knows, seriously such people need to find something worthwhile to do than just calculating how much do they cost when they wear all of their branded stuff. Its just unnecessary to do things that matter so much less, like this whole 'going to gym' thing done by most guys, being in shape is one thing and spending hours to get huge muscles and 8000 packs of abs is just stupidity, are you going on a war or something? Hell even soldiers do not have so much muscles, spending huge amount of money on things and then showing it off with price tag on your face, what are you trying to prove that you're oh-so-fucking-rich and classy?. Take my advice and be real and a bit simple, you'll have a lot more admirers and friends, rather than haters. Stop being MATERIALISTIC!!!. Do something better with your life and your time. Enough said.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Cuz Im J for Genius

I couldn't think of a better title (basically i didn't think of a title i just randomly started writing), anyways im bored, tired and half asleep, so whatever i may post, may or may not make sense, but what the hell, no one reads what i write, no one gives a shit about this blog, I mean look at the name of it 'Mindless Indulgence' can't you make out that this blog actually is just mindless crap with little bit of humor here and there, seriously who would want to know whats going in some guy's mind? I'll tell you, Only the faithful followers (I love you guys, Read - I like you guys). Moving on, now since i've started typing i'll just say a few words:-

Its good to form an image of yourself in your mind, but be sure to do justice to it, don't ever underestimate yourself or your capabilities you fucking have no idea what you can do and what you can achieve, the opportunities are immense and the paths are cleared just make sure that you use the path. The same way never overestimate yourself either, you have no idea how many better people are out there than you but that just makes them better and doesn't make you bad, and of course no one likes a self proclaimed idiot anyways. So be good do good, rest will follow. Leave me alone now