Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Comeback

Well readers here I am making a Serious Comeback to blogging world, its been a while i guess, yea infact a long while. I actually gave up on blogging (thats actually because of few readers :p). But, sometimes you feel it, that 'Yea its the right thing to do and i must do it' (that doesn't mean you start feeling that jumping off a cliff is a right thing to do too). So here I (Awesome) am blogging like never before, not really I am still typing only isn't it? But ofcourse the thought counts and so does the mind that created that thought, alright no more thought on the thought process, lets move on.

So, Where have i been? I wish i had known, sometimes you just don't get to think at all and what you do is just keep DOING and not thinking. Past 4 months i have been doing that only, busy with exams, farewell performances and stuff that you guys won't really care about (meaning i don't wanna tell those things, use your head sometimes i can't convey everything to you).

 Want an Observation?
You would always see a Hot girl with an ugly boy, Yea you'll think thats an old one isn't it? But here's the main thing, for every reason the boy has to be ugly for every other guy (Yea, all of you who are against this thing and are saying - NO dude thats not true, it is true) and for girls guy can seem ugly and all but what about the hot chick with that guy? How SMART you think that chick is, to be choosing a guy like him. Pretty dumb i would say and by dumb i mean DUMB with pointed shoes (Yes, they are dumb). So if ever you see an Ugly guy with a Smoking hot (dumb) chick, don't be surprised because they are bound to be together, The Ugly and the Beauty(dumb). I should make a movie probably (Anyone willing to produce it?)

Well, i guess that'll be all for now, more things will come across you Sooner or Later as there's no end to Observations and Thoughts.


  1. Is it so? Really? If that is so then there wouldn't have been the word Ugly in dictionaries but there is and Im not saying this, it is what everyone says,I just explained why people happen to notice this.

  2. hey its not bout being dumb.... its just ki gals dont go on looks nd see the inner person behind the ugly guy (as you say).... nd god created every1 so no 1 can be ugly.... its your misconception dude.... nd its only you boys who just look for a hot chick around you... ignoring wat so ever her nature is.... so the conclusion is dat gals are in total a better HUMAN BEING... nd thus they are nt dumb but are smarter dan you guys....

  3. oh c'mon dude lemme tell u dat itz really nthing lyk dat not at all!!!
    we aren't DUMB...NOT AT ALL.....
    i guess u better quit blogging rather dan writing such silly stuffzz...wont say much about ur silly observation nd i feel ur being very in-human....such comments are only accepted frm jerkzz...don wanna call u a jerk 'cuz ur shivani'z bro.....but its really crummy nd hats off to u mr. crumster 4 writing such nuisance abt girlzz!!!!!!!!!!

  4. @Nishtha
    First of all i never said every girl is dumb, some of them are alright? and you know what you are actually one of those dumb chicks, you read the whole thing but still couldn't understand one little thing that i was not pointing towards every girl just a handful and you are in that handful too. And if you're so attracted towards ugly guys, well then i'll just wish you good luck with that. And just for trivia 'Crumster' is not a word :).

  5. this guy doesn't know a thing about girls.
    well..i have been with an ugly guy..and i am not dumb..but you are..dumb as well as shallow..and you are talking like if you are brad pitt..look at your monkey face and then make an observation..

  6. @Anonymous
    1. And who are you may i know? Um alright lets call you Hot Chick for the time being since you are hot and have been with some ugly guys, fine?

    2. So Miss Hot Chick, I never said im some expert on girls, this is just an observation alright? And its not my problem that you like ugly guys and your reaction just shows how idiotic and dumb you actually are and im writing and not talking Mother Teresa. For your information i never mentioned in those words that I look like Brad Pitt or even look good for that matter, Get over yourself. So get your thoughts right and only comment when you've actually thought about what i've written. You should realise a fact that "I AM NOT TRYING TO INSULT GIRLS", get that in of your head, its just an observation.

  7. ^
    firstly.. it is your point of view towards hot girls?isn't it?aren't these your thoughts? thats the reason 'YOU' made this observation...coz its been observed by 'YOU'....
    its simple and clear like crystal that you think that hot girls are dumb to be with ugly guys..isn't it?
    for your kind info..girls aren't as shallow as guys are(like you)..they see the inner person more than the outer one..if a guy is hot and hes dumb(like you) and having a creepy personality..then we wouldn't even look at the end..personality matters the most....
    i am sure the girl you get will be dumb like hell(as per your observation:p)...i hope that makes me clear..and insulted girls in this we had to speak up.

  8. Umm, firstly get your thoughts clear Miss Hot Chick, Writing 'You' in capital letters is not emphasising on anything and not making any sense. Secondly, i don't think all hot girls are dumb i stated that in my other comments, care to look at them first and then imply any sort of thought or anything. And this 'guys are shallow' and 'inner person' and 'inner beauty' shit you are giving is nothing but lies that girls like you pretend. Im not saying looks are everything i just said that it is quite common that one would spot a hot chick with an ugly guy and most of the times that ugly guy is loaded with money so its hard to believe that girls only see the so called 'inner personalities' isn't it? :D And well thank you very much for your wishes :) I hope you get your ugly loaded with money guy. :)

    And writing stuff as 'Anonymous' does show how much you can speak up :/

  9. Well, Mister..
    i dint say all hot girls are dumb...its you who has written girls hanging out with ugly guys are dumb..and it depends from person to person....well... money doesn't matter for me atleast....i would prefer a guy who has a good personality and knows to respect girls(unlike you)..and i am sure most of the girls would also want the same....the bitches who care about money are exceptions...just like guys who just care about know that...and i am sure most of the guys want that thing only...thats why they want their chicks to be hot.....
    in the end, i just want to say can't say that the hot chick is dumb to hang out with this ugly guy ..she may like his inner personality or could be the other really depends on that chick..

  10. Well, I might be a li'l late with my comment, but as they say, "better late than never."

    First of all, let me clarify I am a girl and I agree with Aditya. (Now this must be really offensive to the Anonymous here.)

    For starters..
    @Anonymous - You might claim to be a feminist, but you're irrational with what you're saying.
    Women are dumb, and I'm saying this being a woman myself.
    Take for example this very case, you went on "defending women" from this very insensitive, inhuman, disrespectful good for nothing guy, Aditya, but when he clearly pointed out that factfully, there are girls who are obsessed with money, you went on to call your very defendant, in your words if I may, "the bitches who care about money are exceptions."
    So when you state exceptions, its okay, because you are a girl. When Aditya here does, he's so damn chauvinist.
    Are you kidding me? :-/

    I am not a big fan of generalized opinions, but still I know how and what girls can be. I know that a girl likes being told she's superior to men (Haven't even you, for example, been trying to do the very same thing here?) and THAT is the very reason a girl would date someone, SHE ACCEPTS isn't a match to her and she could possibly do better. So yes, if a girl is dating a guy she's "supposedly" blindly in love with, BUT says that the guy is ugly for her. YEA, THATS DUMB, SWEETHEART.

    And yes, women are very different from each other. (No offence) :)

    @Aditya - Impressive observation, and a good point I must say.
    Keep up the good work. :)

    PS - All hot girls aren't dumb. ;)

  11. @Zinnia THANK YOU for understanding what im trying to say, sometimes i feel that im the only one here, who understands what is written here :P and yes not all hot girls are dumb ;) the same thing i've told Anonymous in about three previous comments :P but for no good.

    Anyways its an open blog and people reading can abuse, make fun and hate me or whatever :D that doesn't stops me from speaking my mind out

    AMEN :)
