Well readers here I am making a Serious Comeback to blogging world, its been a while i guess, yea infact a long while. I actually gave up on blogging (thats actually because of few readers :p). But, sometimes you feel it, that 'Yea its the right thing to do and i must do it' (that doesn't mean you start feeling that jumping off a cliff is a right thing to do too). So here I (Awesome) am blogging like never before, not really I am still typing only isn't it? But ofcourse the thought counts and so does the mind that created that thought, alright no more thought on the thought process, lets move on.
So, Where have i been? I wish i had known, sometimes you just don't get to think at all and what you do is just keep DOING and not thinking. Past 4 months i have been doing that only, busy with exams, farewell performances and stuff that you guys won't really care about (meaning i don't wanna tell those things, use your head sometimes i can't convey everything to you).
Want an Observation?
You would always see a Hot girl with an ugly boy, Yea you'll think thats an old one isn't it? But here's the main thing, for every reason the boy has to be ugly for every other guy (Yea, all of you who are against this thing and are saying - NO dude thats not true, it is true) and for girls guy can seem ugly and all but what about the hot chick with that guy? How SMART you think that chick is, to be choosing a guy like him. Pretty dumb i would say and by dumb i mean DUMB with pointed shoes (Yes, they are dumb). So if ever you see an Ugly guy with a Smoking hot (dumb) chick, don't be surprised because they are bound to be together, The Ugly and the Beauty(dumb). I should make a movie probably (Anyone willing to produce it?)
Well, i guess that'll be all for now, more things will come across you Sooner or Later as there's no end to Observations and Thoughts.